Today J.P. accompanied me to the historical town of Prairie du Rocher, Illinois. We went to Fort de Chartres and enjoyed a lovely day at the Fall Rendezvous. (Short background information on the fort: In the 1750’s France built this fort, which is known as Fort de Chartres to protect their values. However, in 1763 France surrendered to Britain and Britain gained possession of the fort. Britain did not see a reason for the fort and abandoned it. Then in 1917, it was restored and today many events take place there. The summer Rendezvous is the biggest event where re-enactors come and put on events for the public. However, due to the government, this historical site will be closed at the end of November.)
J.P. and I walked through the Rendezvous. We stopped by the museum and climbed up to the top of the fort to check out what the “colonial” people were doing. They were mostly eating lunch and enjoying themselves around a nice fire. If you look really close, you will see J.P. and me at the top of the fort.

Then we walked over to the cannon. J.P. fit well in the cannon, but I did not blast him off. J.P. and I had a great day, but our adventure had to end. Where will he go next?

We traveled a total of 160.2 miles in my car. So far, J.P. has traveled 3,437.36 miles!!!
Latitude: 38 degrees
Longitude: -90 degrees

Posted By: Ashley Wetzler
Date: November 2, 2008